E-learning program for greenery pays for itself at lightning speed
The current labor market squeeze is forcing business leaders and managers to retain the new people they need. Green-Pro, the e-learning program for the green sector, supports this in a fast and fun way. Jos Kanters Groenvoorziening is making full use of Green-Pro. Owner Paul Kanters: "Green-Pro literally costs us a penny a month per employee. For that amount of money, Green-Pro helps us get all the new people on board and reduces the failure costs for our team.
The way to retain new people is to properly assimilate them into the company culture and give them thorough training, in other words, proper onboarding. Green-Pro does just that. The e-learning program makes learning fun. Animated instructional videos, quizzes and checklists convey the subject matter in a playful but structural way. All practical activities, including safe working practices, are covered in detail.
For decision-makers, managers and KAM coordinators within companies, it is especially important that the management tool offers financial benefits. Green-Pro Online obtains information about this from Paul Kanters, who manages strongly on process and personnel management within his company.
'We started it because rapid onboarding and proper training of staff saves a tremendous amount of time and money. There are figures in the green industry that indicate that 30 percent of new recruits leave within a year because they are not properly trained. In addition, 50 percent of the new staff would cause failure costs because these employees were not taught the work properly. Ultimately, 10 percent of all costs would be failure costs, i.e., unnecessary costs.
Companies can no longer afford to do nothing with these kinds of signals. As decision-makers and managers, it is up to us to come up with smart solutions. Green-Pro is such a smart solution par excellence. We are already fully committed to process and personnel management, but Green-Pro was for us the missing piece for the total solution. The labor market remains challenging, but Green-Pro makes it a lot easier to deal with.'
'It's very simple: you take out a Green-Pro Wizzflix subscription, per employee per month. There are three Green-Pro packages: E-learning, Future of Work and Professional. Through Green-Pro Future of Work, you also have toolbox capabilities and internal communication capabilities. Green-Pro Professional is particularly suitable for companies with many employees. In all modules, a learning package can be tailored to the employee. Green-Pro also includes options such as putting your own introductory films online, making your own films and deploying them via the Green-Pro app, or digitizing work letters/instructions.'
'Depending on which package you choose, a subscription costs 7.90 to 8.90 per employee per month. Above a certain number of employees, a discount is possible. If we divide the subscription cost of Green-Pro by the number of billable working hours per month, Green-Pro costs us 5 cents! We'd be crazy not to take it. We earn that back very quickly with staff retention, the reduction in failure costs and the proud motivation of the staff.
'Employees are more effective and they always work safely because of their proper level of training. They also work much more independently because they can easily grab an instructional video on their phone during a 'how did it go?' moment. Work can always go on with this online mentor.'
'In part, certainly. Green-Pro will always remain a tool to be used in addition to attentive supervision in practice. We employ good foremen for that. Jos Kanters Groenvoorziening is in any case a company with a close team spirit, where new employees get a warm bath. But Green-Pro does trigger our new people and our existing team tremendously through the opportunity to "keep learning anytime, anywhere. The high level of knowledge makes our employees proud because they know they are good at what they do. They are enormously driven as a result.