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The Tree Inspectors: Sustainable tree management starts with reliable information
Tree Inspection.

The Tree Inspectors: Sustainable tree management starts with reliable information

Visualizing reliable tree information for efficient and sustainable tree management. And making sure that this information fits the working method and software of the tree manager. According to director Michel van Ingen, this is in a nutshell what De Boominspecteurs from Linschoten stands for. Erik Fidder, advisor Trees at the Municipality of Almere endorses this: "We have been working together for a number of years and they understand what we expect from data."

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The Municipality of Almere has chosen Tree Inspection Plus to collect their tree data.

Tree Inspectors focuses on inspections of trees in public spaces. They can also assist tree managers with research and advice on trees. Van Ingen: "We provide information with which the tree manager can proceed. As final responsible person and co-owner, I help build up projects, especially the more technical questions about trees, such as further research into stability and firmness. I am also active in the field of spatial development with Tree Impact Analyses (BEA). We work nationwide and in a team of twenty people, including inspectors and tree consultants. Our strength is providing reliable information with which the tree manager can move forward." 

Current data 

Erik Fidder is closely involved in working with De Boomineurs as a tree consultant with the Municipality of Almere. "Together with the team, we organize the tree management of all avenue and street trees located in the center and residential areas of Almere. Trees that are in the woods on forest estates are managed in a different way. All our tree inspections are performed by De Boominspecteurs. This inspection data is important to comply with the duty of care, but we also use it to direct the pruning contractor and to conduct additional surveys. Part of my own work involves organizing tree inspections, pruning plans and making lists of trees to be replaced and newly planted. Having up-to-date inspection data is important to inform various parties about our tree stock. The City Council is one of them." 

Tree Inspection Plus 

The Municipality of Almere chose Tree Inspection Plus for the collection of their tree data. Van Ingen: "In a regular tree inspection, all tree information is entered manually by an inspector. A time-consuming job, especially for a municipality with 97,000 trees under management. With Tree Inspection Plus, the general tree information is automatically recorded and processed by an algorithm. With mobile mapping, scanners, camera images and GPS coordinates bring data such as location, tree height, trunk diameter and crown volume into focus." Fidder: "It ensures that The Tree Inspectors no longer have to enter the basic information manually. They only have to check this and look at tree safety and health. That makes their work much more efficient and enjoyable." Van Ingen: "In addition, the tree information can be used to calculate green benefits. Think of how much CO2 storage, particulate matter capture and water retention. 

Useful information with which to determine greening potential and work toward a sustainable tree stock." Fidder: "And there is still room for optimization. In the beginning, the algorithm had trouble distinguishing parts, but technology learns from humans. If data is not recorded correctly, such as when a tree post is seen as part of the trunk, inspectors can point that out. For the data manager, it is important that the mutated data is properly put back into the municipal management system." 

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